quarta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2009


Katita is another lesbian comics written by Anita Costa Prado with art made by Ronaldo.
They'll be on our first edition too. \o/



1- TPM= PMT (com T, de tension; premenstrual tension)

2- Katita: - There is so many beautyful women in Brazil
Dodô: It's true, Katita
Katita: It makes me sad, Dodô...
Dodô: Why?
Katita: Life is short, I'can't date them all...

3-Katita: Hey Josi, How is Hairy doing? 
Josi: You pervert! What kind of question is that?
Katita: But Josi...
Josi: Don't say anything Katita! I'm offended and i'm leaving! 
Katita: Jezz, I just wanted to know about the poddle she got

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